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Exciting News!

Updated: Apr 24, 2023

The Nevada State Assembly committee on Health and Human Services held its first hearing on Assembly bill 188, an expansion of Nevada’s “Right to Try” law.

AB 188 would authorize doctors and their patients greater access to individualized treatments using investigational drugs. This bill is intended to address the urgent need for treatments of deadly cancers, and other life-disabling diseases on a case-by-case basis. If passed, AB188 would allow drug manufacturers, doctors, and patients the ability to make decisions about treatment options without having to wait years for expensive clinical trials, some that may never happen due to the limited size of the patient population or the exorbitant costs of a clinical trial. Passage of this bill may bring treatments to Nevadans that until now have only been offered in foreign countries or to those fortunate enough to live in cities near major clinical trial sites.

Scientific progress in drug development and technology has created life-saving opportunities for patients that in many cases are unique to the patient’s genetic makeup, such as immunotherapies for terminal cancers and other life-disabling diseases. That is why I am asking for your letters of support. Please send your letters to me at and I will make sure that they are included in the legislative record.

AB 188’s joint sponsors are Assemblymen, Kasama; Grey, Gurr, Hibbetts, Koenig, Thomas, and Yurek and Senators Ohrenschall; and Dondero Loop. It was introduced at the request of their constituents, many of whom testified on Monday, March 27, 2023.

I was honored to testify on behalf of WPI and all who are affected by myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome, a complex, systemic disease that has no FDA-approved drugs. I hope that you will join me in this effort to bring treatments to those in need.

Annette Whittemore

1664 N Virginia St., MS 0552 |Reno, NV 89557

Phone:775-682-8250 | Fax: 775-682-8258


Read the full text here:

Watch the hearing here:

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