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If you have any questions or comments contact the institute by phone or fill out the form to the right and a member of our staff will get back to you shortly.
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Visiting WPI
WPI is located on the beautiful campus at the University of Nevada (Reno), Center for Molecular Medicine, Whittemore Peterson Institute, Building 160 ~ Room 310.
Finding Us
Please note: Because there is only one address for the entire university, some map apps and driver services often drop passengers off at an inconvenient location. The following instructions will lead you straight to WPI's front door. Additionally, by entering "Whittemore Peterson Institute" into your map's search bar, rather than the address, you will have a better chance to arrive at the correct location.
From North McCarran Boulevard head south on Evans Avenue. Take the first right onto Enterprise Drive. Drive to the stop sign and turn left. Follow the driveway along the side of the building until you arrive at WPI's front door/15-minute loading zone. Park in the loading zone. Proceed to the 3rd floor and get a parking pass. Place your parking pass on your dash, in plain view, and park in one of WPI's designated spaces.
1664 N Virginia Street MS0552
Reno, NV 89557
Call us
Phone: (775) 682-8250
Fax: (775) 682-8258
Mon - Thur
8:00 am – 3:00 pm
8:00 am – 12:00 pm
Sat & Sun